Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease is a disease where by the the arteries around the heart are unable to supply the heart muscle with sufficient blood which carries essential oxygen and nutrients. Coronary heart disease is the biggest killer of all the cardiovascular diseases in Australia and the leading cause of death in many developed nations. Coronary heart disease is predominately caused by atheroma which is a fatty build up of plaque in the arteries which causes a blockage. It is vastly estimated that most cases are caused by a lack of physical activity/ exercise.
Exercise can hugely assist in preventing coronary heart disease, however it can also help manage the disease by preventing further narrowing of the arteries from build up of fatty plaque and thus maintain supply of oxygen to the heart. It can also reduce the risk of clotting and maintain the rhythm of the heart, therefore allowing the heart to be under less stress during exercise and more so at rest.
Seeing an Exercise Physiologist may allow people at risk or suffering with coronary heart disease to complete an exercise program that is both safe and efficient.
Both resistance and cardiovascular exercise is recommended if assessed and prescribed by your Exercise physiologist. Not only can this reduce the disease load but patients should experience improved exercise tolerance, physical capacity and in turn a greater quality of life. It's recommended that exercise starts at a low-moderate intensity and builds slowly. It's also recommended that 30- 60 minutes is completed 3-5 days a week, however when beginning exercise in shorter bouts such as 10-15 minutes in the morning and 10-5 minutes in the evening may help build fitness.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or to book in to see one of our Accredited Exercise Physiologists!